I totally agree with you, Joost.
The international wiki [1] is very clear: "Roads for mostly *agricultural
or forestry uses*. To describe the quality of a track, see tracktype
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tracktype>=*. Note: Although tracks
are often rough with unpaved surfaces, this tag is not describing the
quality of a road but its use. Consequently, if you want to tag a general
use road, use one of the general highway values
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features#Roads> instead of track. "
The Belgian wiki is stating it the other way around for (in my opinion) no
reason whatsoever. Tracks should be only tagged at the countryside or in
forests. Each time I see something tagged as a track in a city it makes me
cringe. Absolutely in favor of aligning the Belgian wiki with the
international standard.
For me a simple copy-paste of the international wiki would be the best
solution. I don't see why that definition needs to be adapted for Belgium.
Why invent something that is slightly different?

[1]: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features#Special_road_types

On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 8:37 AM, joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I was looking at this page:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Belgium/Conventions/Highways
> And I saw only unpaved roads are supposed to be tagged as track. I've been
> seeing quite a few rural roads which only allow agricultural vehicles and
> only lead to fields. They look to me essentially as paved tracks. In most
> of the world (i.e. outside of Europe) what the road is used for trumps road
> quality when it comes to classification.
> Shouldn't this "Unpaved roads with traces of motor traffic or accessible
> to motor traffic" be replaced by something like "Paths which show use of
> occasional motor traffic, or are designed to do so and that don't prohibit
> such use. Generally unpaved and used to access forests or agricultural
> fields."
> --
> Joost @
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