Only for Flanders and if I understood corectly the Walloon side strongly
opposes opening the data. Still it ddoesn''t hurt to ask. You might want to
wait until we can demonstrate the advantages. Not sure.

Op 9-apr.-2016 2:37 PM schreef "lionel bulpa" <>:


Serait-il possible d'avoir un résumé de cette réunion via cette mailing
liste? Je suis dans l'incapacité de me rendre à la réunion mais le sujet
m'intéresse :)
Est-ce que cette autorisation donnée par l'organisation des GR vaut pour
toute la Belgique ou uniquement pour la Flandre?

Merci d'avance

Lionel Bulpa


Zou het mogelijk zijn om een samenvatting van de vergadering via de mailing
lijst? Ik ben niet in staat om naar de vergadering maar het onderwerp
interesseert me :)
Doet dit door de GR organisatie verleende vergunning is voor België, of
alleen voor Vlaanderen?

Bij voorbaat dank

Lionel Bulpa

Google vertaling dank je wel.


Would it be possible to have a summary of the meeting via the mailing list?
I am unable to go to the meeting but the subject interests me :)
Does this authorization granted by the GR organization is for all Belgium
or only for Flanders?

thank you in advance

Lionel Bulpa

Thank you Google Translate.

Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 16:06:30 +0200
Subject: [OSM-talk-be] let's meet GR Flanders


Actually, Jo already did (and took me along). Well, they decided we're OK.
Basically they accept the risk of having perfect maps of GR routes (long
distance hiking trails) out there, so they're willing to share their data
with us. It's a great opportunity to show what we can do - and hopefully
have them be a shining example to less open-minded GR organisations in
other regions and countries.

To discuss some practicalities, we're setting up a meeting in Brussels.
Tentatively it would be April 20th, 13:00 at their office at the
Grasmarkt/Marché aux Herbes. We can still move that around to adapt to your

Two main things:
- map their data, or have their people become mappers. So a one time
operation, and a community building opportunity
- keep our data up to date, and have corrections from our side arrive to
them for checking. This is a more technical challenge. One of which I have
no idea how to do it.

Please join us if you're interested. And if you can't make it, at least
join the discussion at the dedicate trello space:

Joost @
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