Will send a note to the list. Still hoping I won't be going alone. We can
move the date to fit your schedules.

2016-04-09 17:02 GMT+02:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com>:

> Only for Flanders and if I understood corectly the Walloon side strongly
> opposes opening the data. Still it ddoesn''t hurt to ask. You might want to
> wait until we can demonstrate the advantages. Not sure.
> Jo
> Op 9-apr.-2016 2:37 PM schreef "lionel bulpa" <lionel.bu...@outlook.be>:
> [FR]Bonjour,
> Serait-il possible d'avoir un résumé de cette réunion via cette mailing
> liste? Je suis dans l'incapacité de me rendre à la réunion mais le sujet
> m'intéresse :)
> Est-ce que cette autorisation donnée par l'organisation des GR vaut pour
> toute la Belgique ou uniquement pour la Flandre?
> Merci d'avance
> Lionel Bulpa
> [NL]Hallo,
> Zou het mogelijk zijn om een samenvatting van de vergadering via de
> mailing lijst? Ik ben niet in staat om naar de vergadering maar het
> onderwerp interesseert me :)
> Doet dit door de GR organisatie verleende vergunning is voor België, of
> alleen voor Vlaanderen?
> Bij voorbaat dank
> Lionel Bulpa
> Google vertaling dank je wel.
> [EN]Hello,
> Would it be possible to have a summary of the meeting via the mailing
> list? I am unable to go to the meeting but the subject interests me :)
> Does this authorization granted by the GR organization is for all Belgium
> or only for Flanders?
> thank you in advance
> Lionel Bulpa
> Thank you Google Translate.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 16:06:30 +0200
> From: joost.schou...@gmail.com
> To: talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: [OSM-talk-be] let's meet GR Flanders
> Hi,
> Actually, Jo already did (and took me along). Well, they decided we're OK.
> Basically they accept the risk of having perfect maps of GR routes (long
> distance hiking trails) out there, so they're willing to share their data
> with us. It's a great opportunity to show what we can do - and hopefully
> have them be a shining example to less open-minded GR organisations in
> other regions and countries.
> To discuss some practicalities, we're setting up a meeting in Brussels.
> Tentatively it would be April 20th, 13:00 at their office at the
> Grasmarkt/Marché aux Herbes. We can still move that around to adapt to your
> schedule.
> Two main things:
> - map their data, or have their people become mappers. So a one time
> operation, and a community building opportunity
> - keep our data up to date, and have corrections from our side arrive to
> them for checking. This is a more technical challenge. One of which I have
> no idea how to do it.
> Please join us if you're interested. And if you can't make it, at least
> join the discussion at the dedicate trello space:
> https://trello.com/c/jzVQMiBg/26-meet-the-gr-people-to-discuss-how-we-will-work-together
> --
> Joost @
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> <https://www.reddit.com/u/joostjakob> | Wordpress
> <https://joostschouppe.wordpress.com/>
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Joost @
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