
I'm presently helping cyclists to draw an overpass map used to request
their Administration Communale to add "oneway:bicycle=no"  signs.
Doing that, the discovery is (pardon me Julien Fastré) that oneway=yes
tags are horribly missing.
And hence, if cyclists care so much about oneway, we could ask them to
give us a hand and map them.
Unfortunately, those cyclists fear much to be less able to use their
hands than their legs. ;-)

My question is: what would be the simplest way/site with which those
people could add oneway=yes/-1, oneway:bicycle=no and cycleway=*.
Unfortunately, instead of allowing to uses OVERLAYs, my idea to which
nobody replied, OSM is mad of splitting, splitting and splitting, with
doesn't make the above just adding tags.  (They are even fond of making
unnecessary layer=* changes to needlessly split even more).

I've come across MapContrib but it's one of the so many pages landing
you on a graphic page without exactly saying what it does.  Looking
behind the scene, I started reading things like
> Thanks to the work of Florian Lainez on the new initiative called
> Trilib’ in the city of Paris, geolocated in OpenStreetMap and captured
> in Mapillary
But finally the definition
> MapContrib is a web application for thematic contributions to
> OpenStreetMap
Cyclism being a theme and contributions what we want to do, MapContrib
is exactly what we need, isn't it?

Or is it not and there is better?



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