Hi Bart,

Is it the Aanlooproute that was deleted, or one of it's member paths? If it
is the first, Jo's explanation above won't help you I'm afraid.

I do have some good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) new though.
We are allowed to use the GPX files from Grote Routepaden to map these

Check this wiki page for an overview:


If you look up GR561 you'll see that no one has added the relation for the
Aanlooproute you mention to the article. If someone would have done this,
it would be much easier to see who had removed it and why.

There are also UMAP instances for all main GR routes, which overlay OSM and
official data, to help you spot errors. I tend to use those for mapping new
routes too. In blue, the missing connection as mapped by Grote Routepaden:


Joost Schouppe
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