On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:50 PM, joost schouppe
<joost.schou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The examples you give are already hard work to think about. Much more basic
> mistakes are made too: e.g. a forest is also a nature reserve. But then
> someone turns the forest into a multipolygon, because there is some water or
> grassland inside of it. But the multipolygon is also used for the nature
> reserve. Which would imply the holes in the forest are unprotected, and
> that's usually not the case.

I have been thinking about this as well. even the name belongs to the
outer way and not the relation.
I would say put the nature reserve tag on the outer way and the forest
tags on the relation. Would that work ?

But tagging mistakes due to bad quality aerial imagery is equally
common I think. And those are much harder to detect I think.
For your case, it  is basically looking up all multipolygons on which
the nature reserve tags is placed and check those. While this can be a
long list, it is not nearly as long as checking all landuses.


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