Hi Nicolas,

A talk like the one you propose is very welcome, just submit it via the
form here:


As for the rest, most of that we already have but maybe it's not that
visible or could be improved, we have a meetup in Brussels next week, feel
free to join:



On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 8:40 AM, Nicolas Pettiaux <nico...@pettiaux.be>

> Hi Joost and the other members of the list,
> I would like to talk about a project I am resuming to work on : mapping
> the depth of the sea, at least the Belgian coast. This is part of
> OpenSeaMap.
> I would also like to talk about the applications maps.me and
> StreetComplete that can be of daily use, that are very convenient and
> easy. StreetComplete is an easy way to help improve OSM
> I think having a discussion of OSM enthusiats about the future
> activities around OSM in Belgium would be good, as well as having a
> yearly planning of all the activities known today that could be
> interesting (eg. Fosdem in February, then OpenBelgium, then some HOT
> activities like last year possibly then Educode.be ...)
> Regards,
> Nicolas
> Le 10/01/18 à 09:21, joost schouppe a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > The next Open Belgium conference is coming up, bringing together the
> > entire "open community" of Belgium. It's not just about official open
> > data providers and users, but also open knowledge, open source, and of
> > course us, OpenStreetMap in Belgium.
> >
> > http://2018.openbelgium.be/
> >
> > Since OpenStreetMap Belgium is one of the working groups of Open
> > Knowledge Belgium, we can do stuff during the conference. What we do, is
> > up to you! If you've done anything with regards to OSM that you would
> > like to share, now is the time. For now, the deadline for proposals is
> > this Sunday. Early bird tickets also end soon (though send me a PM if
> > ticket price is an issue). So time for action!
> >
> > Things we were thinking about ourselves:
> > - talk about OSM Belgium, organisational as well as our projects
> > - maybe some of escada's projects, like what the Fietsersbond has been
> up to
> > - the GBB import
> > - Trage Wegen (they always do cool stuff with OSM and open knowledge
> > creation)
> > - last year's Open Summer of Code students
> > - have that long overdue landuse debate
> > - an introduction to humanitarian mapping
> > - [ your proposal here ]
> >
> > Don't be shy, don't hesitate to contact me or commun...@osm.be
> > <mailto:commun...@osm.be> with questions. Hope to see you there!
> >
> >
> > --
> > Joost Schouppe
> > OpenStreetMap
> > <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/joost%20schouppe/> | Twitter
> > <https://twitter.com/joostjakob> | LinkedIn
> > <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/joost-schouppe/48/939/603> | Meetup
> > <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/members/97979802/>
> >
> >
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> > Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
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> --
> *Nicolas Pettiaux* PhD, AESS, EMM - Tel +32 496 24 55 01
> Maître-assistant - École supérieure d'informatique - ESI
> http://esi-bru.be Haute école Bruxelles-Brabant - HE2B - http://he2b.be
> Laboratories of Image, Signal processing & Acoustics - ULB
> http://lisa.ulb.ac.be/ *http://EduCode.be - Conférence internationale
> sur l'enseignement et le codage, Bozar, Bruxelles, 27-29 août 2018*
> *http://EduCode.be - An international conference on teaching and coding,
> Bozar, Brussels, 27-29 August 2018*
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