Hello Nadia,

>From what I know, I'd advice QGIS or Mapnik.


You can import OSM data in QGIS with many ways:

   - import data in a postgresql/postgis db with osm2pgsql or imposm and
   use the postgresql/postgis layers
   - use the quickOSM plugin
   - use the shp from geofabrik <https://download.geofabrik.de/>

Then, you may use some default styles (to not reinvent the wheel) that are
compatible with this data (it depends on the way you import the OSM data).
For instance:

QGIS styles with quickOSM/osm2pqsql




QGIS style with imposm



QGIS styles with the shp from geofabrik




Street labelling: I think you can do a lot with QGIS nowadays but I have
not experienced it a lot. If you look at the Champs-Libres/QGIS-OSM-styles,
you have an example of "word replacing" in SQL, for instance to replace
"Avenue" by "Av.". For fine tuning of the placement of the labels, there
are a lot of options in the labels dialog, but I don't know if you can
always force the labels to appear on the map for instance.

Automation: if you need to automate this for 100's of map or update
frequently, I guess using the "Atlas" features of the print composer can
help you.

Manual editing: one advantage of QGIS is that you can easily manually edit
your geographical data. You can also "post-editing" the map (eg, moving the
labels themselves, not the geometry) if you export it in SVG.

2) Mapnik

More powerful, but again, I have not experienced specifically complex
street labelling with mapnik. For importing OSM data, you can choose
between osm2pgsql or imposm. Then, there are some styles available for map
printing. It is always good to start from an existing style. I'm developing
for a while the style of OpenArdenneMap
<https://github.com/nobohan/OpenArdenneMap> which is specifically made for
map printing around the scales of 1:15000 to 1:25000. There is no street
labelling in this style but you can add it. Maybe you can start from
OSMBright (but it was not made for map printing, so you'll have to increase
the label sizes and work on the colour contrasts).

For complex street labelling, there are plenty of options in mapnik (or in
cartoCSS) to fine-tune the placement of labels: text-repeat-distance,
text-allow-overlap, text-align, text-placement, text-dx, text-dy, ... For
changing the labels, again you can use some SQL directly in the mapnik
project file, with something: "SELECT way, CASE WHEN ("highway" is not
null) THEN replace( replace( name:fr, 'Avenue','Av.'), 'Boulevard', 'Bd.')
END  AS fancy_name_fr FROM planet_osm_line"

For automation, of course with mapnik you can automate things a lot (with
Python or other).

Manual editing of the final maps is possible if you output the maps in SVG.

Finally I may work on this (city map printing) in the coming months using
Mapnik, so we can keep in contact!


Julien Minet

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 9:53 AM PONCELET Nadia (Firebru)
<nadia.poncelet@firebru.brussels> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I would like to create some map from OSM that could be printed on paper at
> the approximate scale of 1:5000 and where all street names would appear on
> the map and be easy to read.
> This is quite tricky I think, especially for Brussels where street names
> usually have a french and a dutch version. I have already done this
> exercise previously using UrbIS and I had to use some tricks such as
> shortening the names by combining the french and dutch versions when
> possible (e.g. "Rue de l'Ommegangstr." or "Quai F. Demetskaai") and widen
> the streets. I don't care that the streets are no more "at scale", the
> important is that all (or most) street names are legible. The rendering is
> similar to De Rouck map guides or 'Bruxelles en poche' for those who know
> these books. In long streets, the name can also be repeated several times.
> My final result from UrbIS was more or less satisfactory (even if it still
> required some workforce to displace manually a few toponyms at the end) but
> I would like to be able to create the same kind of map from OSM for a
> larger area than the Brussels Region and also be able to update it
> periodically.
> Before I start working on this, would you have some advice or know any
> people/projects/tools/libraries/ideas that could be a source of inspiration
> (maybe from ‘OSM on paper’ wiki page)?
> Thank you very much for your answers.
> Nadia
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