
I would consider each situation from #3 to #9 here as a bridge.

Here’s why.  If there had never been a railway, the road would be where it is 
now, and it is perfectly flat and aligned with the houses nearby (implicitely 
level=0 and layer=0 in OSM).
On the contrary, the embankment is an artificial structure that has been built 
to raise the railway and make it fly over the road.

I tried to have a look at Infrabel’s Open Data portal, but couldn’t find a list 
of their bridges so far.  They manage about 4,800 bridges and it would make 
sense that our data match theirs.


On Mon, 27 May 2019 22:24:32 +0200
ghia <g...@ghia.eu> wrote:

> I think  some passages are called a mole pipe, but that makes it not a
> tunnel. 
> Don't have tunnel vision: All your examples are railroad bridges. 
> A tunnel has mosttimes also a depth: it lies not under, but beneath
> something and/or crosses several things. 
> Also, sometimes a traffic sign F8 can be found near the entrence. 
> Regards, 
> Gerard
> OSMDoudou schreef op 2019-05-27 21:32:
> > If it can help, Wikipedia cites criteria like twice as long as wide and 
> > "creating a confined area". 
> > 
> > https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel 
> > https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel 
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