Over de talenkwestie zeg ik maar niet teveel, enkel een "bravo" voor de oproep tot objectiviteit.

Maar inhoudelijk heb ik wel zo mijn vragen: wij mappen toch "in principe" enkel dingen die zichtbaar zijn in het landschap? Die antennes van BIPT die hangen toch meestal op bestaande faciliteiten, hetzij een mast die voor iets anders was opgezet, of een watertoren, een kerktoren, of wat dan ook? Uiteraard mappen wij wel die masten en torens, maar om de antennes als dusdanig te mappen? dat lijkt me strijdig met het basisidee om enkel zichtbare landschapselementen te mappen.

No comments on the matter of languages, in this complicated and delicate country; save for my compliment and support for the appeal for objectivity.

But regarding "the root of the matter" I do have my questions: didn't we have a rule to map only those features visible in the scenery? The BIPT antennae (sic!) are usually attached to existing structures, such as church spires or GSM masts or so? Of course we map those highly visible carrying structures, but to map the individual antennae seems to me like overdoing things.


On 2020-03-08 16:55, Thibault Rommel wrote:
Hello there

Small detail, I believe it makes more sense to use the abbreviation BIPT instead of IBPT, since it is "Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications" in English and both Dutch and German also have BIPT as the abbreviation.


Op zo 8 mrt. 2020 om 14:16 schreef Vucodil via Talk-be <talk-be@openstreetmap.org <mailto:talk-be@openstreetmap.org>>:

    Hello everyone,

    Recently, we got the permission from ibpt.be <http://ibpt.be> to
    use their data in OpenStreetMap:
    This includes all the antennas (more than 9000) managed by the
    three operators (Proximus, Mobistar and Telenet) with the info on
    who manages which antennas and their localisation.

    I wish to import them in a semi-automatic import. But before that,
    I wish to have your feedback on the:

    *General workflow*

    For the workflow, you can find it at the end of the import wiki
    page. The main idea is that the antennas to close to existing
    antennas will be manually reviewed.
    What do you think about that? Is it safe enough?

    *Tags to use*

    As there is around 300 antennas currently in Belgium
    (https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/QPC) and considering that this import
    will bring more than 9000 antennas, I think the tags of the import
    should be carefully chosen.
    The tags for the objects related to telecoms are not well defined.
    Various sources of information are available (see at the end of
    this email).
    If we choose to only map the antenna itself by excluding the
    support (mast, tower, roof, ...), it seems to exist two tags:

    - man_made=antenna
    - telecoms=antenna

    the first one being much more used. That's the one that I suggest.
    You can see more details on the tagging here:

    With the data from IBPT, it make sense to only focus on the
    antenna itself and not on the support as we don't have any
    information on it.
    In cities, it will usually be on roofs or underground like in
    tunnels but in the countryside, it is often on communication towers.

    Mapping only the antenna enable us to later map more complex
    things like in this proposal
    where I really like the separation between:

    - antenna
    - support
    - station

    Note that today, most antennas in Belgium are mapped via their
    support (mast or tower).

    What do you think about the tagging that I suggest? Does it make
    sense ?


    PS: I sent two mails in a week about import. It is a coincidence,
    I'm not doing only that!

    Sources of information:

    - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dantenna
    - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Telecoms
    - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dmast

    Talk-be mailing list
    Talk-be@openstreetmap.org <mailto:Talk-be@openstreetmap.org>

Thibault Rommel

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