No e-mail abaixo, links fundamentais para conhecer e saber como participar
da mobilizacao pela ajuda ao Japao.

O OpenStreetMap tem imagens pos-desastre e esta ajudando com o mapeamento de
infra-estrutura danificadas, abrigos, pontos de abastecimento de comida/agua
e etc.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elizabeth Sabet <>
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:52 AM
Subject: With Our Eyes Turned to Sendai

As we watch with shock and profound sadness the tragedy unfolding in Japan
and across the Pacific rim in the wake of the Sendai earthquake, our hearts
and sympathies are with the families affected and their loved ones around
the world.  Both personally and professionally, we are deeply sensitive to
the challenges now facing that region.

We know many of you in the Random Hacks of Kindness community feel an
urgency to take action in some way, to express your solidarity with the
people of Japan and to offer your time, skills and efforts in their support.

There are many incredible initiatives out there that are actively engaged in
the response efforts, working with volunteer technologists and citizens
alike to channel their concern into action.  We know they would welcome your
help.  These are just a few that we are aware of:

The Crisis Commons Volunteer Community <>

Crisis Mappers Net: The International Network of Crisis

Japan <>)

Ushahidi (in Japanese) <>

Google Crisis 

Microsoft Disaster

Yahoo!: How to 

elizabeth walker sabet
mob: +1 646 249 3888
twitter: randomhacks

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