On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Richard Weait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When is your party?  I have some GPSes for loan to other OSMers in
> Canada.  That goes for other Canadian mappers as well.  Let me know and
> we'll work something out.

I haven't planned any yet, but it sounds like all I need to do is
create a web page template and then simply change the name of the
city/town/village/highway/road network, and post that to the wiki...

On the how-to page though, there are a few things that seem to be a
bit of a problem that I might need help figuring out...

    *  When Once you have a rough venue ('London' or 'Berlin') and a
couple of people, then put up a wiki page with all the details and
confirming the date. The rest is easy. On the day, unless you get a
lot of newbies, it will all just happen.

I have lots of venues, but where do I come up with the couple people?

    * Where The simplest venue is a pub, preferably with free WIFI.
You may find though that you can get a local company, arts centre,
library or hall to provide free space for the weekend.

I don't know all the local "pubs"... Most small locales in Alberta
don't have internet access let alone free wifi...

    * Who The next thing is to get some people signed up. It's a good
idea to contact two or three local mappers in advance and find out
what dates would suit them. If possible, get them committed before you
make a general announcement.

When there are no local mappers, who do you contact?

The problem is that these mapping parties are designed for areas with
OSM mappers in the area. We might be able to swing a mapping party in
Edmonton. There are 10 OSM members within 20 km of my location, which
covers all the users in Edmonton (a metro area of 1 million people).
We could possibly garner enough interest to map out a neighborhood.

This leaves the other 95% of the province as an empty page.

Again I will ask, is there a provision for finding OSM users in a
specific geographical area?

> I like Alberta.  Let me know when you are planning and perhaps I can
> bring the GPSes personally.  Air Canada isn't going to send me for free,
> but if I can combine a business trip with some fun mapping; why wouldn't
> I?

Yup, having someone else foot the bill is certainly a good way to
defer the costs involved. I make use of my work trips around the
province as an opportunity to gather GPS tracks. You can tell where I
go to work by looking for GPS tracks uploaded by VE6SRV...

>> I'm also not sure how you keep the OSM project a secret from these
>> people that you get to map out an area for you. It sure seems like you
>> would be spreading the word, and bringing more people into the OSM
>> community through these activities.
> Why would we keep it a secret?  Who's doing that?  It seems silly to try
> to keep OSM secret when you are showing people the osm site, the wiki,
> sample maps, the svn ...

Read this thread... I'm trying to say that we need more OSM members to
be able to make local interest mapping happen, let alone mapping


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