Hi M.A. Gagnon,

The goal is to import nearly all of the features of Canvec. That is why 
the conversion script is converting all the themes at once, but not per 
theme.  However, I can imagine that it is more convenient to focus on 
one or a few themes at first. This would be a nice addition for the next 
version of canvec_to_osm. So far the only thing I considered adding was 
support to download 256 NTS tiles at once. I'm not sure when I'll be 
working on it, but once it is done, I'll post it on talk-ca.

The first thing I did when taking over the maintenance of this script 
was converting it to Python. Many people, including me, aren't running 
Windows. And of course Python is a much more flexible scripting language 
than .bat files. You can find Python at http://www.python.org. The 
script itself can be found at [1]. This download does not contain Ian 
Dees' JAR file, because it can be downloaded from his site. In case 
you're not familiar with Python (and if you use Windows): 1) make sure 
python.exe is available in your PATH variable; 2) the script is executed 
by typing "python canvec-to-osm.py [options]" in a command prompt.

In the meantime I've put the sources and the rules files on [2], so that 
eventual interested people can work on it as well. I renamed the .py 
files, because using hyphens in the name is a bit awkward, but I didn't 
make any other changes.

If you have questions or comments, please let me know.



[1] http://www.steggink.org/osm/Canvec/Canvec-to-osm_v0.1.zip

Sam Vekemans wrote:
> Hi,
> At 6pm PST i'll be broadcasting live on tinychat.com/acrosscanada and
> ustream.tv/channel/acrosscanadatra and on my facebook profile & live
> on twitter, as well as available on skype for video call in.
> Mainly about the full Canada Import status, as there is ALOT going on,
> and important to know too. I'll save a recording on youtube.
> And ya, i'll answer your questions too :)
> ps. The talk-ca list is our main communication device for Canada,
> you'll need to subscribe to get messages through.
> -so we all know whats up :)
> cheers,
> Sam
> On 12/2/09, mag.gag...@gmail.com <mag.gag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply. BTW, I'm senior Analyst at CRTC responsible for all
>> kinds of telecom and broadcasting GIS data. Let me know if you ever need
>> anything telcom related.
>> My answers below.
>>> Are you refering to building nodes or areas?
>> All buildings eg: "_BS_" files. A mix of points, lines, areas
>>> What area/tiles are you working on?
>> Got the complete package from off the web, unziped and trying to pack as
>> one object.
>>> Were actually working on converting all the canvec data at once.
>> Cool. Will follow this very closely.
>>> Frank is now the main person who is working on the script.
>> Dont know this frank
>>> What is it that your having problems with? Whats the error message say?
>> Was hoping to have file for combining only buildings eg: all "_BS_"
>> together.

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