I've been looking at StatCan's GeoSearch 2006 map [
and it seems like vreimer isn't using that one as a copy. Interestingly,
Stats Can and NRN disagree with each other on some of the same points that I
noticed in vreimer's differences against NRN, but Stats Can introduces yet
another variation of errors in the Valemount area. In other words, vreimer,
Google, Bing, NRN, and Stats Can all have slightly different versions of
Valemount. Not one of those is exactly like any of the others.

For some things that vreimer had differed from NRN, he was a match for Stats
Can, but then for some things he was different than Stats Can. For example,
the Williams Drive/Juniper/Larch area, vreimer had a topological match to
Stats Can (Williams Drive extending past Juniper, and no Larch at all), but
Stats Can calls it Williams Rd, whereas NRN says Dr, and vreimer has Dr.

I looked at Atlas of Canada, but didn't see a "slippy" map that shows street
names. Is there a map from Atlas of Canada that has street names without
having to download the data and open it up in some GIS software?


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Sam Dyck <samueld...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Found another example near Valemount, BC, where NRN has a road called
> Blackman Road (east of a certain road) and Lheureux (west of certain road).
> Bing has called the road Chevreux. vreimer got it correct, meaning he's not
> copying Bing either. It's all so mysterious....
> Adam
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Sam Dyck <samueld...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I found a subdivision which most certainly does not exist, and may well
>> never exist in Google 
>> here<http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8+Neptune+Bay&sll=49.918003,-97.039597&sspn=0.009243,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8+Neptune+Bay,+Winnipeg,+Division+No.+11,+Manitoba&ll=49.847205,-97.168794&spn=0.004628,0.009645&t=h&z=17>.
>> The streets are not on Yahoo, Bing, OSM or NRN. The land the streets occupy
>> is owned by Manitoba Hydro and has to high voltage lines that pass through
>> it towards the Taylor and Scotland Yard Stations and Downtown Winnipeg  (
>> OSM<http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.85185&lon=-97.1602&zoom=15&layers=B000FTF>)
>> and while development is planned nearby, I believe this land is off limits
>> for obvious reasons. This would suggest to me that vreimer either lives in
>> Winnipeg and knows Google is wrong, or doesn't get data from Google (which
>> previous posts also suggested).
>> Sam
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