Could there be district municipality or regional district
engineering/road department shapefiles or cad files floating around for
some of these areas?


On Sun, 2010-02-28 at 20:50 -0800, Adam Dunn wrote:
> I've been looking at StatCan's GeoSearch 2006 map
> []
>  and it seems like vreimer isn't using that one as a copy. Interestingly, 
> Stats Can and NRN disagree with each other on some of the same points that I 
> noticed in vreimer's differences against NRN, but Stats Can introduces yet 
> another variation of errors in the Valemount area. In other words, vreimer, 
> Google, Bing, NRN, and Stats Can all have slightly different versions of 
> Valemount. Not one of those is exactly like any of the others.
> For some things that vreimer had differed from NRN, he was a match for
> Stats Can, but then for some things he was different than Stats Can.
> For example, the Williams Drive/Juniper/Larch area, vreimer had a
> topological match to Stats Can (Williams Drive extending past Juniper,
> and no Larch at all), but Stats Can calls it Williams Rd, whereas NRN
> says Dr, and vreimer has Dr.
> I looked at Atlas of Canada, but didn't see a "slippy" map that shows
> street names. Is there a map from Atlas of Canada that has street
> names without having to download the data and open it up in some GIS
> software?
> Adam
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Sam Dyck <>
> wrote:
>         Found another example near Valemount, BC, where NRN has a road
>         called Blackman Road (east of a certain road) and Lheureux
>         (west of certain road). Bing has called the road Chevreux.
>         vreimer got it correct, meaning he's not copying Bing either.
>         It's all so mysterious....
>         Adam
>         On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Sam Dyck
>         <> wrote:
>                 So I found a subdivision which most certainly does not
>                 exist, and may well never exist in Google here. The
>                 streets are not on Yahoo, Bing, OSM or NRN. The land
>                 the streets occupy is owned by Manitoba Hydro and has
>                 to high voltage lines that pass through it towards the
>                 Taylor and Scotland Yard Stations and Downtown
>                 Winnipeg  (OSM) and while development is planned
>                 nearby, I believe this land is off limits for obvious
>                 reasons. This would suggest to me that vreimer either
>                 lives in Winnipeg and knows Google is wrong, or
>                 doesn't get data from Google (which previous posts
>                 also suggested).
>                 Sam
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Dan Putler
Sauder School of Business
University of British Columbia

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