On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:30 PM, James Ewen <ve6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Tim Francois <sk1pp...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> I'm currently working on the Dempster highway with a tracklog I created
>> in the summer, hoping to extend it further north into NWT. The road
>> connecting to the Dempster in the south is the Klondike Highway.
>> However, this paved 'highway' is tagged as a secondary road, whilst the
>> unpaved Dempster is tagged as a primary road.
>> I think the Klondike Highway, and other similar roads in this part of
>> Canada, should be tagged as primary roads. What do others think?
> This is a problem with the way that highways are tagged in my opinion.

Of course.

> The OSM features page sometimes uses physical attributes to describe
> the roadways.

Sure.  Some tags are better than others when measured on the scales of
observability, verifiability, importance and permanence.

> The roadway needs to be tagged for the usage it is designed for.

Agreed.  This case certainly suggests promoting the road a level or
two.  Sparsity of any roads, official designation, linking distant
communities each suggest promotion.  Promoting a highway is risky when
unaware of the surrounding context, but when there is nothing else for
dozens or hundreds of km.... Go ahead.

> One has to think about how the final map is going to be displayed.

Now that is a little close to tagging for the renderer.

> If it were up to me, classification would denote the importance of the
> road in the road network, and surface, number of lanes, and other tags
> would describe the physical attributes of the roadway.

That's the way it is.  There was discussion today on #osm about
primary road in Scotland; gravel, one shared land for both directions,
periodic pullouts for passing.

> My two bits, and then some!

Fair enough.

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