Hi all,
I now have the rest of the province's aboriginal lands .osm files available.

Nunavut is probably the largest file with 15 .osm files in the set, but i
dont think there is much interference, so it shouldn't be to hard to upload.

Also, (as i mentioned before)  some of the tags might need to be changed (if
you can think of something better).  It's easy to change the tags, in the
for each of the .osm files (just select all of the polygons & change the
tags :)

Also, looking at the geobase website, these files do get updated a bit more
frequently.  But there is a DIFF file that is available, so the script can
be run on that file, after all the lands have been uploaded.

The recommended use, is to just drop in the data for your local area that
your working on..   ... since others might want to drop in data for their
own area also.   (im contacting local area mappers as i go along, so im
trying to make sure i dont interfere with what they are mapping)


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