> Cool, so i take that as confirmation we can use it for OSM.
> Awesome.

Yes, the parks and protected area data is free and libre, as is all
the gis data from Environment Yukon found on the website. (Please note
that the Wildlife Key Areas does have it's own license agreement.)

> Its probably a bit early to be digging for gold (gps tracks from KTA
> anyway) as its hard to find trails when the railway/ and/or
> abandoned/telegraph trail line isn't mapped yet. And point of
> reference is still difficult in black space.

The old topo maps, now Canmatrix, have the railroad line. The
telegraph line is on those maps too, but of course they don't show
which sections are still passable.

> ... otherwise i'll need to bike up their myself... although i hear the
> distance is a little daunting.

There's an active adventure biking crew up here. You'll likely find company. :)



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