Hi Matt,
I guess i pressed the 'send button' instead of the 'save as draft
button'. (as i replied too fast)

I think that you (and Richard) have now provided enough details, that
i can put on my 'professional hat'.

So if knowone else beets me to it, i'll make the wiki clear and go
through the (now standard) 'OSM best practices'*, for getting approval
to use external sources of data.

*Allthough internally, it is jumbled, there are common themes across
the map. It just needs to be summarized a bit better. I started a wiki
about 'Importing Government Data', so slowely, but surley, the map
gets better, and the underlying data becomes more clear for its source
& legaleze.

Thanks again for making the data available, now OSM (internally) just
needs to see how the puzzle pieces fit.

Best Regards,

On 5/13/10, Matt Wilkie <matt.wil...@gov.yk.ca> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Responding now in my capacity as Geomatics Analyst for Yukon Department
> of Environment and the person responsible for posting our data publicly
> for the last dozen years to places like
> http://environmentyukon.ca/geomatics/data.html.
> Thank you for bringing clarity and quesion to the use and re-use of data
> in a project like OSM. Unfortunately I cannot respond in kind with clear
> legal license agreement or usage statement as we don't have one. The
> answer I've been giving usage questions for many years closey resembles:
> ///The data we publish is paid for with public funds and is public
> property; private and commercial entities can do with their property
> what they wish. It would be courteous to inform us what you are doing
> with it and to credit the "Yukon Department of Environment, Information
> Management & Technology Branch" or "Environment Yukon" where applicable.///
> It is something of an embarrassment to me we have no official statement.
> The open source ecosystem and it's constant attention to and discussion
> of licensing has been integral to my work stream for years -- meaning I
> can't plead ignorance. I'll take this as a challenge and opportunity to
> rectify the lack of clear license terms. It would be helpful in raising
> the priority of this project if OSM were to ask for clarity and point
> out that lack of it hinders or even blocks use of the data we publish.
> (Yes this paraphrases what you just said, but we're having a discussion
> akin to meeting over coffee and it does not carry the same weight as an
> inquiry).
> Best regards,
> matt wilkie
> --------------------------------------------
> Geomatics Analyst
> Information Management and Technology
> Yukon Department of Environment
> 10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9
> 867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax
> http://environmentyukon.ca/geomatics/
> --------------------------------------------
>  >>> On 13/05/2010 8:56 AM, Matt Wilkie wrote:
>>>> Yes, the parks and protected area data is free and libre, as is all
>>>> the gis data from Environment Yukon found on the website. (Please note
>>>> that the Wildlife Key Areas does have it's own license agreement.)
>>> "Free and libre" mean different things to different people, and OSM
>>> uses a particularly strict interpretation in the interest of keeping
>>> OSM "cleaner than clean" from a copyright point of view.
>>> Please, please, please.  Collect the information, link to the license,
>>> summarize the license problem areas, and then start a discussion on
>>> legal-talk.
>>> Just saying, "yeah, we're cool" without backup is risky.
>>> The proliferation of homegrown licenses at municipalities is making it
>>> very difficult to include that data in OSM.  The licenses interact
>>> with each other like citrus and dairy in a single glass.  Fine in
>>> isolation, but a complete mess when mixed.
>>> Even if the person in charge grants you an "okay for use in OSM",
>>> without a written agreement to relicense as CCBYSA, and in future
>>> ODbL, risks the need to remove that data later.

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