over-complicating :)

the 'wooded area' doesnt actually mean that much .... other than
stating 'Hey, there is trees over there'

Once the national/regional/local parks are listed, along with the
admin boundaries (something better than stats can) and the property
boundaries get listed.
... and rivers are added

then this 'hey look, trees' area has meaning, so then local
municipalities can make decidions on where to expand new parks.

farmland owners who own 'wooded area' could 'sub-lease a part of the
land as a regional park, and become the park maintainer.
... the same is done with windfarm co-op shared ownership.

..... anyway, osm needs the map data that cant be found on any other map :)


On 9/2/10, Tyler Gunn <ty...@egunn.com> wrote:
> Okay, so how is everyone handling huge wooded areas?
> Take the massive green blob here for an example:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.599&lon=-101.054&zoom=10&layers=M
> It literally spans over an entire NTS tile (062N*).  I tried (as much as
> possible) to ensure all outer/inner members of the wooded area are part of
> a single relation, but in retrospect that wasn't the right approach as you
> can still see the lines between the NTS sub-tiles.
> So I'm thinking in this situation what I really need to do (once the
> entire extent of this wooded area has been imported) is download the entire
> area accompanied by the woods, and use the JOIN command in JOSM to merge
> the smaller wooded areas into one big massive one.  The end result would be
> one HUGE way that traces the entire outside of the wooded area.  All of the
> inside "divisions" between the tiles would be eliminated, and the end
> result would be a huge outer way and lots of inner ways.  I could then just
> split up the huge outer way as necessary to make sure no one part of the
> way is longer than 2000 nodes.
> Does this sound reasonable?  Or am I over-complicating it?
> Thanks!
> Tyler
> --
> --
> Tyler Gunn
> ty...@egunn.com
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