The full Aboriginal Lands data file is both available on the wiki, and
the geobase website.
The .shp files will be loaded to koordinates.com for easy reference
(along with every other dataset i can find).

I have figured out a method to revert and remove all of my edits, but
this will take some time, as it is a delicate process.

I dont have a computer right now (it's in the computer shop) so i
can't pass on any links.

I imagine that this process should take a few months to complete, so i
will note it on my user profiles  (there is a 'significant' number of
errors, which were found out after the process was complete).

I'll let the list know when it's all removed.  Feel free to remind me
if its not done by february 1st 2011, as i am doing many things, which
are all important :)

Sorry for the inconvience,


p.s. i blog alot, so i do have notes on my posterous.com blog. (i use
that rather than filling up this list with not-so-topic-related-info)

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