You might want to ask the talk-ca list... instead of tagging list :)

It's the default value for CanVec when the data is not available.
Every 6 months, the source data (as Natural Resources Canada made .osm
files) gets updated.
So more provinces will have housenumbers, in time :)
... the 1st priority is roadnames.

..... but alas, this is OSM, and it is possable to remove it.

Or is it?


On 12/20/10, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are a lot of ways in Canada like
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/71852646 that have
> addr:housenumber = 0 at both ends. Is this a bad import or legitimate
> way of tagging?
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