Has anyone been able to get a planet/north america extract of just
user:vreimer's edits?
.... i still havent figured out how.


On 1/18/11, Tyler Gunn <ty...@egunn.com> wrote:
> On 2011-01-14, at 9:39 PM, Samuel Dyck wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've been looking at replacing much of vriemer's work in manitoba with
>> Canvec data. Even replacing one tile is a daunting task, so I thought I'd
>> ask the opions of others before I start work staring with Canvec tile
>> 062H10. What do people think?
> Cleaning his edits has been a daunting task.  I recently replaced his
> version of Brandon MB.  I tried to maintain any local edits other than his.
> I find the Canvec data is higher quality anyways, so it's not a big loss
> really.  Especially now that Canvec has street names.
> Tyler
> --
> Tyler Gunn
> ty...@egunn.com
> http://www.egunn.com/
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