As the person who did GeoBase import for Kamloops, I thank you for
checking over the work! Kamloops already had some mapping done in the
area before I started the import, so it was difficult making sure
everything was correct. My knowledge of Kamloops is pretty much
restricted to the highway and the Costco (cheap pizza on the way to
Sun Peaks!).

I noted on the import spreadsheet
for the Kamloops tile (092I09) that "lots of roads converted from
single way to dual oneways, though in some cases (eg trans-canada near
oriole) the single biway was retained".

Also be on the lookout for fixme=* tags and note=* tags, as I will put
notes for future local mappers in there.

I really like to use JOSM. Whichever tool you use, you'll get used to
it and learn the little tricks over time.


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Samuel Longiaru <> wrote:
> Greetings Everyone,
> I'm quite new at this, having only been involved in the OSM project for the
> past few months.  First post to the group.  I think the project is a noble
> one and see that this is something that I would like to stick with
> long-term.
> I have been mapping in and around Kamloops, BC where I seem to be a bit of a
> lone wolf.  There don't seem to any members listed in the area that are
> doing anything at all.  I've spent most of my mapping time correcting errors
> in the previous GeoBase imports and addressing those noted in Keep Right.
> Also, I've been linking features (railroads, rivers, etc) that are mapped
> both east and west of my area.
> Anyway, I've been following the discussion for the last little while in
> regards to the Canvec data and it has brought up the question in my mind as
> to what you see as the most effective use of my time.  While I don't mind
> proceeding as I have, I'm wondering if my time might best be spent reviewing
> and correcting date that have been imported into the area.  I mean, I don't
> mind mapping the Fraser and North Thompson rivers, or adding lakes and
> such... but if those data are available elsewhere, then perhaps those data
> should be imported and I should spend my time reviewing those data from the
> area I know best... south central BC.  Theres's no point in duplicating
> efforts.
> My immediate problem is that I am not familiar enough with the tools or the
> process for even checking out the quality of the Canvec data in this area.
> I suspect it is better than what is here now.  So either if someone were
> willing to import a block from an area nearby, or be willing to act as a
> mentor and guide me off list through the process, then perhaps I could
> proceed a bit more effectively.  I've tried to research the process myself,
> but hate to screw something up if you know what I mean.
> Thanks for any input and/or assistance.
> And sorry... yes, another Sam on the list.
> Sam Longiaru
> Kamloops, BC
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