But it makes the map look pritty :-)
... and on normal maps you do see this..

I could put a request in to wipe all my edits ... sice i was the one
who added it in.

Besides the 'routing restrictings and anti-canoests... is their
another reason people don't like an arrow on rivers?



On 2/21/11, Kevin Michael Smith <smit...@draconic.ca> wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-02-21 at 23:23 -0800, Paul Norman wrote:
>> Existing tagging:
>> Currently there are two types of tagging for waterways that were imported.
>> The first of these is that for smaller waterways
>> accuracy:meters=10
>> attribution=Natural Resources Canada
>> oneway=yes
>> source=GeobaseNHN_Import_2009
>> waterway=stream
>> waterway:type=observed
> It seems to me that oneway is not appropriate.  It indicates a legal
> restriction on traffic and AFAIK there is no Canada wide restriction
> that all traffic on all waterways must be in the direction of the flow,
> which this tagging would imply.
> --
> Kevin Michael Smith <smit...@draconic.ca>

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