Rather than turn restrictions, what about tagging the service way
itself as <access=no,emergency=yes>, or something similar? There's
also an abandoned tag for access=emergency


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Samuel Longiaru <longi...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> I'm getting a number of crazy routings that suggest doing U-turns via
> emergency median crossovers.  The crossovers are in the imports and they all
> throw errors in regards to service roads connected to motorways.  I guess
> they could all get turn restrictions applicable to all but public service
> vehicles but does existing routing software make the distinction as to
> vehicle type anyway?  Any suggestion as to how to treat these?  We really
> don't want these kinds of routes.
> Thanks,
> Sam L.
> Kamloops
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