Hi everyone,

I'm a long-time contributor to OSM in greater Montreal, but this my first
post on this mailing list. I hope everyone is doing well.

I have noticed a fellow contributor add some POIs recently, that may be of
interest but that I believe are incorrectly tagged. I've tried messaging
the contributor, to no avail.

There have been some railway "stations" (ie. rail:station) added in around
Quebec that do not seem to be stations in the definition that I'm aware of.
I'm afraid that identifying them as "stations" will mislead map users into
believing there is a functioning train station here when in fact there is

A perfect example is here:


There is a POI identified as "Davis". I lived in this city for over thirty
years; no passenger train ever stopped there, and I never saw a freight
train stop either. There *is* a steel box containing rail equipment of some
sort there, and there has always been a sign there identifying it as "CN
Davis". But no station.

I'm not sure what the rules are on linking to Google for these purposes,
but if you go look in StreetView with these coordinates, you will see the
apparatus and sign that I'm describing.

There are a few other POIs on this rail line added with this same issue.

I welcome any advice you may have on handling this (including politely
correcting me if I'm wrong on this whole thing).


Tim (user tfitzg)
Talk-ca mailing list

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