On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Connors, Bernie (SNB)
<bernie.conn...@snb.ca> wrote:
> Harald,
>        Thanks for the suggestion.  But what can we do if a user is no longer 
> using OSM?  If they are not using OSM they will not see the message that we 
> send to their OSM Inbox.  I presume there is nothing we can do unless we have 
> the time to do a little detective work and try to find an alternate email 
> address for the mapper.

Some users have lost touch because they have not updated their
registered email address after changing ISP or work, etc.

Other users have been able to find some of those by looking at similar
usernames on other sites like flickr, fb, twitter,G+ etc.

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