> From: Richard Weait [mailto:rich...@weait.com]
> Subject: [Talk-ca] upcoming Canadian press coverage and your local group
> Dear all,
> I expect that OSM will be getting some press coverage in the Canadian
> media in the near future.  This is a wonderful opportunity to launch
> your long-anticipated local OSM group.
> I would love to see future awesome Canadian local OSM groups get
> launched TODAY.
> Pick a place convenient for you, and not-horrible for others.  I use
> coffee shops and pubs, depending.
> Pick a time convenient for you and not-horrible for others. I use "after
> work on a weekday".
> Announce it.  Announce it here and in places where locals who aren't
> already OSMers might find out about it.  I use meetup.com, you might use
> upcoming, or patch or anything else.
> There is a chance that the upcoming press will lead to new mappers who
> will be really grateful to have a local help them with their first
> edits.  And you'll get to meet other local mappers who have been waiting
> for "somebody else" to start a local group.  Be somebody else.
> :-)
> Please consider doing this.  There is no good reason for Toronto to have
> all of the fun. :-)  There are awesome OSM folks in Ottawa and Montréal,
> Québec and Sherbrooke and BC and Alberta and the far North.
> Come on.  Meet and talk.

Anyone else in the Vancouver area interested in this? I'm busy with exams
until mid-next week but I'm free then. I live in New West and commute to UBC
or Richmond.

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