I'm a geeky guy who's always been into mapping.  My first GPS was the Garmin 
GPS 38 (a single channel receiver that could track up to 8 satellites but took 
forever to get a lock).  But right from the beginning, I was hooked - I even 
used it in 1999 to do a "Study of the Accuracy of Averaged Non-Differential GPS 
Measurements"  (http://www.syz.com/gps/gpsaveraging.html) when selective 
availability was still turned on.  From there, I always experimented in ways of 
coaxing more and more accuracy out of GPS receivers, culminating with putting 
together 3 Motorola Oncore VP boards and writing my own software to do carrier 
phase positioning.  I got down to sub-centimeter accuracy with that.

But how I got more specifically into OSM - as a software developer, I wanted to 
make a worldwide topographical map app for the iPhone, that didn't require a 
live data connection to use it (unlike Google Maps), since a lot of those who 
need topographical maps are often backcountry folk out of range of a cell 
tower.  I source the elevation data from a variety of sources elsewhere, but as 
far as the main mapping data goes, OSM was a natural fit that I stumbled upon 
quickly when I started to do my research on the project.  The result was 
something I call Mapster 

Since OSM works so well for me in that sense, I enjoy being able to contribute 
back, so I remain reasonably active adding data to places I'm familiar with.  
I've also done (and continue to do) a lot of Canvec importing in areas 
otherwise lacking data.  That's been something of a challenge in itself, as I 
learn of the various "gotchas" in the Canvec data set, but I'm getting better 
all the time.

The recent Bing update added some high resolution photos of areas familiar to 
me, so I've been playing around with that somewhat as well.

Syzygy Research & Technology
Box 83, Legal, AB  T0G 1L0 Canada
Phone: 780-961-2213

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