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On 2013-06-11 15:46, Richard Weait wrote:
> So, previous (Toronto) OSM Birthday parties / anniversaries have been social 
> affairs, with food
and drink and unstructured conversation.  Usually (exclusively, to date
?) at a private residence.
> Any thoughts about continuing on those points, or changes refinements
that you'd like to enable?

I think it's always interesting to have public events, but it's also OK
for OSM fans and contributors to just get together. It's always nice to
meet new people and learn from them or share what your experience have been.

> Also.  If you have attended one or more of these events, what would you want 
> to tell somebody who
hasn't attended, so they can decide to attend or not? 

I am not sure what the question is here. I just advertise events I
organize, and the rest happens naturally. Of it's important that you
have a large-ish audience (>30 or more), then advertising, inviting in
advance (>3 weeks) is important, and sponsorship/networking/good
locations help.  It's specially important to let other local
contributors know about the organizing actions so they can help, it's
also a matter of transparency. If you're not the organizer, sometimes
just asking if someone else is interested gets things going.

Otherwise any cafe/bar is good and I personally consider any such event
having 3 people or more to be a success. It also depends on your
objectives: business? advocacy? mapping? fun? all? YMMV.


- -- 
Fabián Rodríguez

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