Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for your interest in the OpenStreetMap project.

Glad to hear that York Region is publishing Open Data.  Since York
Region has published the data, and since you've told us about it,
you've probably done everything that you need to do, now, as far as
making the data available for OpenStreetMap contributors to consider
it for inclusion in the OpenStreetMap database.

The OpenStreetMap community has stringent guidelines around the
inclusion of external data sources.  Interested members of the
community are now able to start that process of evaluating the
license, and the data that you have brought to our attention.  If
those community members have any further questions, should they reach
out to you here on the list, or by direct email?

Also, there are twice-monthly events in Toronto that OpenStreetMap
contributors, and map and data enthusiasts find interesting.  Please
join us at MappyHourTO, or #maptimeTO, some time.  The schedule is
kept online, here.  http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Toronto/

Best regards and happy mapping,


Please note that OpenStreetMap is a registered trade mark and is
properly spelled "OpenStreetMap" - many capitals, and no spaces,
because we are trying to map the many capitols of the World, and leave
no gaps.  :-)  It's a common mistake to add spaces or drop the
capitals.  Don't feel bad about it.

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