On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Stewart C. Russell <scr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stephanie, thanks for your note. It's always good to see municipalities
> opening up their data, and better still to see what citizens can do with
> it. There are a couple of potential issues that are likely to hinder the
> integration of the Region of York's data into OSM:
>    1. York Region’s Open Data Licence
> <http://www.york.ca/wps/portal/yorkhome/yorkregion/yr/statisticsanddata/opendata/%21ut/p/a1/jY_NCsIwEISfpQ8g2Yb-5BoimqSWejPmIovVGtCk2ODBp7cWr1r3tAvf7MwQSwyxHh-uw-iCx-v7tsVB8bWSsgLdZEwAh4ZrWjJgVTkC-xGAL8NhTq__MKD3WtQdsT3Gy8L5cyBmiGPCIbrjgL5tMSIxoT_5adsROz2lNCtkKkCDbBioVbnNl0ymIPIZoKIf4Eet_maeGwlO8SR5AYDq2Kw%21/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/>
>    is its own *very slightly different* variant of the UK Government’s
>    Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information. It’s not quite
>    exactly like any other licence on CLIPol <http://clipol.org/>, and the
>    main sticking point is the requirement to revoke attribution should the
>    Region deem it necessary. OSM is volunteer run, and we don’t have the
>    resources to have legal experts review all these different licences. It’s
>    often just easier for the project not to use the data in cases like these.
> The licence gives an out. There is no requirement to give attribution to
York. What it says is if we do, we may be required to remove it at a later
date.  The solution suggests, not giving attribution.

>    1.
>     2. While the Region’s data might be of exceptional quality, OSM has a
>    policy of not importing data over where data already exists. Integrating
>    imports without overwriting volunteer mappers’ contributions is extremely
>    time consuming. OSM’s spatial accuracy may not be as good as a city
>    professional survey, but the project typically has new features mapped by
>    volunteers well ahead of any local government maps.
> This isn't a policy I've seen. What I've seen is if the import is
worthwhile, care should be given to conflate the new data with the
existing. For example, keeping the original changeset by modifying it with
better data. Using tasking manager to import small sections, to allow users
to carefully import small chunks at a time. Deleting existing data just to
import isn't very polite.

> I know the list's welcome may appear a little qualified, but thanks for
> joining us!

+1 on the welcome!


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