On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Colin McGregor <colin.mc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some words of warning regarding GTALug.

Hi Colin,

This is the second time that you have mentioned your unpleasant
experience with GTALug on this list, in the context of the
OpenStreetMap presentation that they have scheduled.  I am sincerely
sorry that you had an experience that was so unpleasant.

I expect that I will attend Stewart's presentation tomorrow.  This may
seem like I am ignoring Colin's advice to "stay away". I will also
keep Colin's description of his experience in mind.  I think that both
Stewart and Colin are nice folks, so I do my best to be supportive of
both of them.  Also, Stewart has promised a kazoo solo.  :-)

Beyond that, discussion of GTALug is probably off-topic, unless there
are specific examples from which we might take lessons for our on-line
and in-person communities.

Best Regards and Happy Mapping,

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