For example Hamilton's open data license
at first glance seems OK:

Your Use of Data:  The City of Hamilton grants you a worldwide,
royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive licence to use the Data,
including for commercial purposes, subject to the terms and conditions
below.  You acknowledge and agree that this Licence does not give you
a copyright or other proprietary interest in the Data.

You may copy, modify, publish, translate, adapt, distribute or
otherwise use the Data in any medium, mode or format for any lawful

 When you use the Data, you must acknowledge the source of the Data by
including the following attribution statement:

 “Contains public sector Data made available under the City of
Hamilton’s Open Data Licence”

But then it says:

The City of Hamilton may, in its sole discretion, require you to
remove the above attribution statement from your continued use of the

(Does this mean that Hamilton can revoke our use of the data for
whatever reason it wants? Sounds unacceptable to me)


You must ensure that your use of the Data does not breach or infringe
any applicable laws.

(So is OSM held responsible if someone breaks the law using OSM data
derived from Hamilton Open Data?)

And then everything is subject to the "Acceptable Use Agreement" at

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