>Board of Directors

I don't think there is such a thing on talk-ca.

Cheerio John

On 18 July 2016 at 11:27, Ellefsen, Bjenk (STATCAN) <
bjenk.ellef...@canada.ca> wrote:

> Dear members of the Board of Directors,
> My name is Bjenk Ellefsen. I am working for the Data Exploration and
> Integration Lab at Statistics Canada.
> I am writing to inform you that earlier this month, Statistics Canada
> initiated a two-year pilot project aimed at understanding the potential of
> data crowdsourcing for statistical purposes.
> We are planning to use OpenStreetMap as a platform for inviting
> contributors to crowdsource information on non-residential buildings
> (footprints, addresses and simple building attributes). The pilot project
> will focus on the Ottawa-Gatineau region.
> We have assembled a multi-disciplinary project team, which includes people
> from five divisions of Statistics Canada and also from the municipalities
> of Ottawa and Gatineau.
> In November of last year, my chief, Alessandro Alasia, spoke with Paul
> Norman. At that time, we were exploring the idea of crowdsourcing. We have
> done quite a lot of background research and planning since then (although
> much learning remains to be done). The preliminary idea has evolved in a
> proof of concept proposal and, from there, into the current project.
> Earlier this month we held a first meeting/conference call with the local
> (Canada/Ottawa) OSM community. We hope to strengthen these ties further in
> the coming months by engaging the OSM community through Talk-ca.
> This pilot project is a major innovative undertaking for our Agency. There
> are a multitude of aspects that we need to assess and learn about
> (including the IT dimension, communications,  legal aspects, etc.).
> For this reason, there is also a lot of excitement about the project and
> much curiosity from senior management. We know that crowdsourcing is a
> reality but, as far as I know, there has been no other attempt to assess
> its potential from the perspective of a national statistical office.
> One of our Assistant Chief Statisticians, in particular, who is
> championing the innovation projects at Statistics Canada, has a keen
> interest in this project. At some point, we would like to have an
> “institutional” meeting between Statistics Canada and OSM (although I am
> not quite sure in which shape and form this can take place). I am open to
> your suggestions.
> I am copying my colleague Bjenk Ellefsen, who is part of our team and who
> will follow-up on most of the communication with the OSM community on
> Talk-Ca.
> I look forward to hearing from you and to engaging the OSM community on
> this project.
> I will soon write more about the project!
> Regards,
> Bjenk Ellefsen, PhD
> Data Exploration and Integration Lab (DEIL) | Lab pour l’exploration et
> l’intégration de données (LEID)
> Center for Special Business Projects | Centre des Projets Spéciaux sur les
> entreprises
> Statistics Canada | Statistique Canada
> (343) 998-3004
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