Bonjour John 
Je suis d'accord avec toi. Sur le terrain, oui il y a des éditeurs tels que 
OSMAnd fonctionnant a la fois sur Android et iOS qui permettent de simplifier 
le travail et s'assurer de placer les POI sur les bons immeubles.  Il s'agit 
effectivement d'ajouter un POI au milieu de l'immeuble avec les descriptifs 

Je ne recommande pas ID pour modifier la géométrie des immeubles. Toi et moi 
pouvons longuement parler de tous les problèmes dans le contexte des réponses 
humanitaires où les nouveaux contributeurs tracent des immeubles très 
fantaisistes. Cela ajoute une surcharge de travail aux contributeurs 
expérimentés qui doivent ensuite corriger.  

      De : john whelan <>
 À : Talk-CA OpenStreetMap <> 
 Envoyé le : mardi 18 octobre 2016 7h52
 Objet : Re: [Talk-ca] The Statistics Canada Project
When I looked through the existing buildings I came across a tag that was ele 
often with a value of 2 or 3.  I suspect this is the number of stories and the 
same as building:levels which is in wiki/Map_Features.  Could any one confirm 
this as it is one of the attributes that Stats Canada is looking for.

If it is would there be any great objection to me changing the tag to 
building:levels as recommended by the wiki/Map_Features?  The alternative would 
be to have both tags on the building.

The other thought was although Stats Canada is promoting a customised version 
of iD reality is it a lot easier to carry a smartphone or small tablet and 
enter tags in the field.  There are a number of editors that run under Android 
etc but unfortunately although its easy to add tags to a node adding them to a 
building outline is more difficult. 

Currently for buildings such as strip malls we have the idea of a building 
outline with nodes for each store.  Often the address is on the building 
outline but other details such as coffee shop etc are on the nodes.  I'm 
wondering if having a node within the building that could be edited by such 
things as OSMand etc might be a reasonable compromise.  It would avoid 
transcription errors, first writing down the information then returning home 
and entering it in iD.

We can build a list of buildings that are missing some tags that Stats Canada 
are interested in but how does one draw them to attention to the mappers with 
their missing tags?  A customised version of walking papers perhaps?

Any thoughts on any of the above would be welcome.

Thanks John

On 18 October 2016 at 06:12, James <> wrote:

Also I forgot about this one: https://lists.openstreetmap. 
org/pipermail/talk-ca/2015- August/006602.html which was on the import list and 
talk-ca(I forgot because it was so long ago) Which everyone seems to be on 
board, except for the license. So....license is compatible now...
On Oct 17, 2016 9:11 PM, "James" <> wrote:

I'm the one running the tasking manager.
On Oct 17, 2016 9:08 PM, "AJ Ashton" <> wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for the writeup. I think this is the first post that's made it fully 
clear what is going on. As I was re-reading the previous StatCan thread earlier 
today I seemed to be missing something - now I guess it was context available 
to those who attended in-person meetings. I don't think it was even clear to 
the list until now how much in-person community discussion has been happening.

Basically the issue is that all the online discussion about this looks to have 
been about the StatCan crowdsourcing half of the project and none at all about 
the building import half. I didn't pay too much attention to the original 
StatCan thread at the time because it so clearly sounded like a local mapping 
project with no large-scale import component.

Unfortunately I no longer live in Ottawa and couldn't have made it to the 
meetings. However I lived there for many years, have done a lot of mapping 
there, and have a continued interest in the area. I would still like to see the 
the building import happen and even help out where I can. But I think it's 
important to do more planning and discussion on this list and the imports list, 
and to take things in smaller and more manageable chunks.

I guess the next step would be to continue on a proper path to import the 
buildings per the guidelines per 
wiki/Import/Guidelines . This would include:

- Wiki documentation of the where the data is, what it contains & its license / 
- A plan to conflate with existing data - preserving history, keeping existing 
attributes, and merging addresses onto buildings where possible before the data 
is uploaded
- A specific plan for uploading the data. Eg how the data will be divided up 
into chunks and step-by-step instructions for JOSM, etc. A task server was 
mentioned several times - who is running this and how can others participate?
- A proper review on the imports mailing list

I don't necessarily agree with every single rule in the import guidelines, but 
they are what the community has decided on and I think for the most part they 
help avoid the kinds of issues I had with deleted and duplicated data in Ottawa.

  AJ Ashton

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