Hi all, 

The Telenav mapping team noticed quite a few destination:street tags on 
(mostly) motorway_link off-ramps in Canada. This is an undocumented sub-tag of 
the destination tag so I am curious how it is being used and if there is some 
sort of consensus that is documented somewhere else than the OSM wiki.

An Overpass query surfaced 1883 cases, http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/ln2  

Looking at a random one, http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/34154734 
<http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/34154734> / 
<http://openstreetcam.org/details/10767/4194> — I think in the US we would just 
map this as destination=Carman Road;Iriquois and destination:ref=1

So my question is whether this is some relic of a past practice, or is this 
actively used and encouraged mapping practice and if so, where should it be 
seems to be a good candidate.)

We’re happy to help improve these tags based on OSC / Mapillary data but I 
wanted to make sure first that this is the way you all want to go.

Happy mapping,

Martijn van Exel

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