On 2017-07-02 04:41 PM, Begin Daniel wrote:
> However, since the same translator was used for all the polygons, the
> problem should also appear on water bodies, etc. The problem may have
> been related to the complexity of the polygons to convert.

Hi Daniel - yes, I'm seeing a bunch of water relations with the same
problem, such as on the Grand River
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/576317> and also parts of the
Speed near Guelph. Some of these data were imported from Canvec 10.

> I also found that JOSM had similar problems with tag transfers a few
> years ago (1). Maybe some of the problems found result from merging
> nearby wooded areas?
> Daniel
> (1) https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/9832.

Interesting, but I'm seeing a lot of the problem water relations
worldwide (well, Scotland and Germany) where JOSM wasn't involved. So
while the JOSM issue might have contributed a little, there were other
factors in play. Indeed, I've even seen changesets (such as 5735148 from
Sep 2010) where the editor had to duplicate the relation tag in the
outer way to get the inner features to render!


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