The Telenav Map team has done some research on the status of the ways and 
relations of Trans-Canada Highway.
Here are some conclusions from this research:

  *   The highway is formed from 30 routes;
  *   Every route has different names for the name tag, such as: street names, 
other routes names or Trans-Canada highway name in different forms;
  *   The issue above is repeating for the ref tag;
  *   The name of Trans-Canada highway has more than one form (Trans-Canada 
Highway, TransCanada Highway, Trans Canada Highway, etc);
  *   Another issue is the variety of names in other tags related to it (such 
as: name:en, name:fr, alt_name, alt_name:en, alt_name:fr, nat_name);
  *   There are some routes that don't have a route name only ref (5 routes);
  *   There are some routes that overlap:
     *   in Manitoba: - PTH 1 (MB Trans-Canada Highway) and Trans-Canada 
Highway (Super);
                                                     - Yellowhead Highway and 
PTH 16 (MB Trans-Canada Highway);

     *   in Alberta: Trans-Canada Highway (AB) and Trans-Canada Highway (Super);
     *   in British Columbia: - Trans-Canada Highway (BC, Super) and 
Trans-Canada Highway;

  *   About 90% of these routes are broken;
  *   About 80% of these routes have highway value flip flop (motorway, trunk, 

We propose to make some improvements to standardize all the routes. We would 
like to get your thoughts and feedback on the following questions:

  *   What is the correct form for the name that appears in the way name tag? 
For example: "Highway 417" is part of Trans-Canada Highway and has the name 
value tag "Highway 417". To resolve this issue, we would need to standardize 
the ways' name tag for all the provinces. The question is, should we modify the 
way names in to "Trans-Canada Highway", or should we insert the name 
"Trans-Canada Highway" at the end of the name, like this: "Highway 417 
(Trans-Canada Highway)", or should we leave it like it is?
  *   Another issue is related to the official name of the highway. According 
to our research the official name for Trans-Canada Highway is "Trans-Canada 
Highway". In our research we have found several forms of this name: TransCanada 
Highway, Trans Canada Highway, etc. Should we change all the names to 
"Trans-Canada Highway"?

  *   Another question is related to the priority of the names in the name 
value tag and also for the ref tag. If we have a way that has a street name 
("Old Highway 16" or "North York River Road") and two routes that overlap (ex: 
Trans-Canada Highway and Highway 11). What is the name and the ref that should 
appear in the way name tag and ref tag?
  *   In case of overlapping identical routes (ex: in Manitoba there is two 
routes for Trans-Canada Highway). What should be the best approach?
  *   In case of highway value flip flop (motorway, trunk, primary), there are 
several segments like this outside the cities (ex.: Route "Ontario Highway 17 
(Blind River to North Bay) (ID 3739829)", or Route "Trans Canada Highway 104" 
(ID 1732797)). For areas outside the cities we propose to change the highway 
value into motorway/trunk. What do you think about this issue?

We think that one approach to resolve the first problem could be to add 
"Trans-Canada Highway" or "Highway 417 (Trans-Canada Highway)" to the way name 
for all the routes, and the ref number correspondent to each route that forms 
the Trans-Canada Highway.

We look forward to hearing your feedback and hope to improve the situation 

Here is the link to github ticket that we created: 

Olivia Robu
Talk-ca mailing list

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