Matthew, I personally thank you for sharing Alessandro's missive with talk-ca (an OSM-based list).

However, Alessandro mentions "BC2020i" (and even "BC2020i-2"), initiatives which "used" (or proposed to "use") OSM as a data repository.  Not wishing to rehash history about this yet again, the initiative was found to not fully respect some basic tenets of OSM (primarily that process and importation of data be "Open") and a genuine attempt was made (partly rather publicly here) to re-imagine a re-branded project (BC2020, no "i") which more openly and harmoniously integrated with a wider OSM community using familiar and more-open communications channels like our wiki and this talk-list.

As Alessandro didn't mention OSM one single time in that message, yet it was forwarded to this list, I remain quite curious what role OSM is to or might play in any "BC2020i-2" initiative.  So, I invite / politely request Alessandro to post here exactly what that is or will be.  Is it a national-scale import of the Bing building data (as he says "what they did in the US")?  I realize that from STATCAN's and indeed a much wider Canadian perspective, this "initiative" will be much more than that, benefiting many, and for that I do share enthusiasm.  Still, I ask the specific question from an OSM perspective:  what role will our mapping project play?

Please, Alessandro, address OSM directly (in this list) what OSM is to BC2020i-2.  You might start by addressing what is wrong with BC2020 (no i) as it exists in our wiki and how BC2020i-2 might diverge from that, but I'd prefer you explain it to us, rather than me guessing here in talk-ca.

Steve All
OSM Volunteer since 2009
Talk-ca mailing list

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