Hi Harald,

Thanks for your thoughts on this.

From my point of view BIAs are just as (just as not) verifiable on the ground as a municipality boundary.  Typically there are gateway signs to welcome you to the area, which makes them more concrete then say a census area. eg https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=45.331875926798006&lng=-75.892906002273&z=19.36453946996015&pKey=RopOOODg6gMzdE5gHeicfA&focus=photo&x=0.4894869294322967&y=0.5000000000000003&zoom=0 or https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=45.39710000000002&lng=-75.7423&z=17&pKey=pEs0qv8z4ielD2jmRpJhqw&focus=photo&x=0.11741761625032077&y=0.5560308877526301&zoom=2.639780018331806 so just like a municipality boundary there is some physical info, but of course doesn't tell you the exact boundary area.

In my experience BIA boundaries don't change much one they are created.... but of course I am not familiar of what happens outside of Ontario.... certainly I wouldn't expect them to change more than the boundaries we already have in OSM for municipalities and the wards within them which seem to change change every decade or so in a growing/changing municipality.

On 2019-01-09 12:34 p.m., Harald Kliems wrote:

To me this is a clear case of something that doesn't belong in OSM. It sounds like the boundaries aren't verifiable on the ground and may change frequently. Therefore any data in OSM would go stale quickly and the only verification of accuracy would be to go back to the source. Yes, we have deviations from the "verifiable on the ground" rule, but we've had similar discussions for census boundaries, ridings/election districts, and on the the talk-us list recently about Bureau of Land Management boundaries.

For your analysis of businesses within a BIA, you can just download the OSM and BIA boundary data separately and do the analysis in the GIS application of your choice.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 6:32 PM Matthew Darwin <matt...@mdarwin.ca <mailto:matt...@mdarwin.ca>> wrote:

    Hello all,

    I'm not sure if this applies to other provinces or not, so I
    thought I would ask here.

    In Ontario there is a concept of "Business Improvement Area"
    ("BIA" for short) that has the power to tax businesses within
    their zone  (see http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page1529.aspx for

    I want to tag these in OSM, so then you can run a query to find
    all businesses within a BIA. Sometimes the boundaries of the BIA
    are very tight and just cover things that are actual businesses,
    and sometimes the boundaries of a BIA are very loose and cover
    lots of area including residential... and when a new business
    comes up later in that area it automatically is a part of the BIA.

    I am thinking that the *relation type=boundary,
    boundary=local_authority *might be applicable here, and define
    either a Canada specific definition maybe just Ontario,
    depending if the concept exists elsewhere.

    I would like to get people's opinion on this idea....  Or please
    suggest something else.


      * type <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:type>=boundary
      * boundary
      * name <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name>=*
      * local_authority:CA

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