
You seem to be mostly addressing topics which have been brought up elsewhere. My email was meant to address specific data quality issues in Toronto, so I'm not sure how to respond to all of this.

To your broader question though, my position is that we *do* have the volunteers and skills necessary to make this a good import. Supposing that we didn't though, then I would have to say that the import should wait until we have the right people working on it. A bad import is worse than no import.


Nate Wessel
Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning <>

On 2/3/19 1:14 PM, john whelan wrote:
My expectation was that the import would be based on the city's records of foundations for the buildings.

I would not expect to see sheds etc.and I'd be quite happy to only get most of the buildings. The rest can be added by local mappers at a later date.

My expectation is they will be consistent and not some mapped from Bing, others from ESRI etc.

There are estimated to be in excess of 11,000,000 buildings in Canada.  I don't think we have enough skilled mappers to map them all from imagery.

My expectation is the import would give us a reasonable number of fairly accurate building outlines at relatively low cost in mapper time.  Missing building imports from city open data are now fairly common in many parts of the world.

My expectation is that the building outlines would have additional tags added and that this would draw in less skilled mappers.  At the same time corrections could be made to the outlines if deemed necessary.

It would avoid too many badly mapped buildings.

Before the import started it was raised in talk-ca and there was some discussion.  I understand you were not a member at that time or took part in that discussion but that doesn't change the fact that the issue was discussed.

The idea of a single import plan came from talk-ca and that is why there is a single import plan covering the entire country and there was discussion on talk-ca on the point.

The original plan on the wiki mentioned having some coordination in an area.  I don't think this happened but it was an attempt to give a louder local voice as it was recognised it would be better if local mappers took the lead.

Different mappers have different ideas of what is acceptable.  I think your standards are fairly high thus more demanding in resources and do we have enough resources?  I don't think we do to import to the standard at which you are asking.

Could you clarify what you are saying?

I assume that for other parts of the country if they wish to continue and find the building outlines acceptable they may do so?

Thanks John

Thanks John

On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 12:34, Nate Wessel < <>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I had a chance this morning to work on cleaning up some of the
    already-imported data in Toronto. I wanted to be a little
    methodical about this, so I picked a single typical block near
    where I live. All the building data on this block came from the
    import and I did everything in one changeset:

    What I found was that:

    1) Every single building needed squaring

    2) Most buildings needed at least some simplification.

    3) 42 buildings were missing.

    I knew going in that the first two would be an issue, but what
    really surprised me was just how many sheds had not been imported.
    There are only 53 houses on the block, but 42
    sheds/garages/outbuildings, some of them quite large, and none of
    which had been mapped.

    I haven't seen the quality of the outbuildings in the source data,
    and maybe I would change my mind if I did, but I think if we're
    going to do this import properly, we're going to have to bring in
    the other half of the data. I had seen in the original import
    instructions that small buildings were being excluded - was there
    a reason for this?

    I also want to say: given how long it took me to clean up and
    properly remap this one block, I'll say again that the size of the
    import tasks is way, way, way too large. There is absolutely no
    way that someone could have carefully looked at and verified this
    data as it was going in. I just spent a half hour fixing up
    probably about one-hundredth of a task square.

    We can do better than this!

-- Nate Wessel
    Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban
    Planning <>

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