There are two sources of buildings to import one is Bing the other is the
stat Canada licensed one.  Both have the correct license for OSM.

If you are going after the stat can one then there was an import plan drawn
up for Canada and that is in the wiki.

I suggest if you use the stat can import plan basically just copy it
together with the license information or perhaps you can do a sort of
amendment of it to cover York.  The reason I suggest that is there is an
import mailing group that gets involved and they tend to ask all sorts of
questions.  Getting by them has been described as the hardest part of the
import process.

The original import was done in Ottawa and we got all the licensing
permissions sorted out and because Ottawa is fairly small the local group
formed a consensus that that is what they were happy with and that was the
basis of that import.

When we set it up to import across Canada the problem with the stat can
data was the quality varied from municipality to municipality and there was
some concerns about if the data should be preprocessed in some way.  Also
in some areas such as Toronto local mappers wanted to feel more in control.

I can't recall who came up with the preprocessing but I'm sure James will
remember.  Pierre I'm almost certain expressed his opinion.  It might be
worth looking at what they came up with and why.  I do recall that some
mappers thought the Ottawa building import should have been preprocessed
but the local mappers were happy with the raw data.

Cheerio John

On Sun, Oct 4, 2020, 12:32 PM Andrew Deng via Talk-ca <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I primarily map in York Region, Ontario, and I have noticed that the
> Toronto Building Import has been completed 3 months ago. Therefore, I am
> proposing to open a task on the Task Manager for York Region buildings,
> since having the buildings imported here would be nice. I'm not sure of the
> process on how to do that, which is why I'm emailing this group.
> --
> Andrew (andrepoiy on OSM)
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