Pouzij jiny zdroj dlazdic. Ja treba aktualizuju kazdou hodinu automaticky.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2015, 18:12 Petr Holub <ho...@ics.muni.cz> wrote:

> Ahoj,
> narazil jsem na takovy docela pekny Greasemonkey skriptik, treba
> se to bude nekomu hodit:
> https://gist.github.com/Adrianod/e6b522bf1715a49b68c2
> na Alt klik to pak umi na OSM invalidovat dlazdice.
> Protoze jsme narazil na obcasne problemy se synchronizaci jednotlivych
> tile serveru OSM, trochu jsem ho pro sichr osklive hacknul, ze to
> jde po vsech serverech najednou, vizte nize.
> Petr
> // ==UserScript==
> // @name        click n' dirt
> // @namespace   https://gist.github.com/Adrianod/e6b522bf1715a49b68c2
> // @description Alt-click to mark tiles as dirty on openstreetmap.org
> // @include     http://www.openstreetmap.org/*
> // @include     https://www.openstreetmap.org/*
> // @version     1
> // @grant       none
> // ==/UserScript==
> /*
>         $.ajax({\
>             url: this.src.text().replace(/.\.tile\.openstreetmap\.org/, "
> a.tile.openstreetmap.org")+"/dirty",\
>             context: this\
>             });\
>             */
> var code = '\
> $("#map").on("click", ".leaflet-tile", function(e) {\
>     if (e.altKey) {\
>         $.ajax({\
>             url: this.src.replace(/.\.tile\.openstreetmap\.org/, "
> a.tile.openstreetmap.org")+"/dirty",\
>             context: this\
>             }).done(function() {\
>                 $(this).fadeTo("fast", .8);\
>         });\
>         $.ajax({\
>             url: this.src.replace(/.\.tile\.openstreetmap\.org/, "
> b.tile.openstreetmap.org")+"/dirty",\
>             context: this\
>             }).done(function() {\
>                 $(this).fadeTo("fast", .6);\
>         });\
>         $.ajax({\
>             url: this.src.replace(/.\.tile\.openstreetmap\.org/, "
> c.tile.openstreetmap.org")+"/dirty",\
>             context: this\
>             }).done(function() {\
>                 $(this).fadeTo("fast", .2);\
>         });\
>     }\
> });';
> var script = document.createElement("script");
> script.textContent = code;
> document.body.appendChild(script);
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