Dear OpenStreetMappers in Germany,

Is there someone from the neighboorhood of Enschede willing to give a talk about OpenStreetMap in Germany?

Travel advices and more:
Please register before friday 7th of june! Using this following mail address (Makes organisation a lot easier)

Geo Freedom Day 2013 "Application of Open Geodata" - Friday 14th june 2013, ITC - Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, Enschede

On friday 14th june we celebrate Geo Freedom Day! Presentations about free and open streetmaps, local postalcode databases, aerial imagery and applications capable of handling geodata and related technologies. During presentations speakers will go deeper in to their respective subjects. Geo Freedom Day is an initiative by volunteers.

ITC - Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente provides international postgraduate education, research and project services in the field of geo-information science and earth observation using remote sensing and GIS. The aim of ITC's activities is the international exchange of knowledge, focusing on capacity building and institutional development in developing countries and emerging economies.

What's gonna happen?
The theme this year is "Application of Open Geodata". Speakers from the Netherlands and surrounding countries will talk about their projects.

Presentations this year will be about:
Quantum GIS (QGIS) "What is Quantum Gis (QGIS on Wikipedia), and how to use it?" Raymond Nijssen (Terglobo)

GeoFort - Willemijn Simon van Leeuwen
(Open) geodata, but where? - Ine de Visser (Geonovum)

Goudappel Coffeng: philosophy free geodata, examples open data projects, tension commercial/open data and clients who do not appreciate publicising their data, and the reasons for this - Dirk Bussche (Goudappel Coffeng)

INSPIRE: Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community - Herman Assink

Pilot Linked Open Data open data policy of TU Delft Geomatics - Wilko Quak

Previous years
Presentations _last year_:
OSGeo Netherlands
Netherlands Space Society
NDOV Loket

Presentations _2011_:
Scalable Vector Graphics
Red-bindings with mapview libraries and user environments

cooperate with us?

Do you want to present your project? Or cooperate in another way? Do you just want to know more about Geo Freedom Day? Or do you want to organise a Geo Freedom Day yourself? Get into contact with us! See "Contact"

Entrance is free, Please help us by registering before friday 7th of june? Even if you are just interested but not sure, you'll be attending Geo Freedom Day (helps us a lot with the organisation), by sending Bas de Lange an e-mail on this mailaddress

Donations and sponsoring (for example in the form of Bitcoins Movie "What is Bitcoin?") would be very much appreciated! See our "Donations"-page.

Friday 14th june
From nine till six hrs
Afterwards a drink and a dinner, at your own expense, in a local restaurant.

Hengelosestraat 99
7514 AE
Learn programming, in your browser:

Met vriendelijke groet,

Best regards,

Bas de Lange

+31 (0)6 166 26 950

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