Am 01.03.2015 um 00:56 schrieb Bryce Nesbitt:
> This is a request for comments on a proposed import of bicycle repair 
> stations:
> These locations are open 24/7.
> The locations came from press releases.
> The locations need local mapping to get the location perfect.
> ----------
> Dies ist eine RFC zu einem Vorschlag Import von Fahrrad Reparatur-Stationen:
> Die Standorte kamen von Pressemitteilungen.
> Die Standorte müssen lokale Zuordnung, die Lage ist perfekt erhalten.
> Die Standorte sind 24/7 goffnet.

Is there any import in Germany or German speaking region ?

Did not find any [1].

By the way, the page does not work with firefox on my system and the
render order of city names needs quite some improvements.

cu fly


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