it appears there are two stations in Europe only, both at TU of Delft,
The Netherlands. does not work with my Firefox
either. Works with Chromium (Linux Mint x64).

regards, Andreas

Am 01.03.2015 um 16:35 schrieb fly:
> Am 01.03.2015 um 00:56 schrieb Bryce Nesbitt:
>> This is a request for comments on a proposed import of bicycle repair 
>> stations:
>> These locations are open 24/7.
>> The locations came from press releases.
>> The locations need local mapping to get the location perfect.
>> ----------
>> Dies ist eine RFC zu einem Vorschlag Import von Fahrrad Reparatur-Stationen:
>> Die Standorte kamen von Pressemitteilungen.
>> Die Standorte müssen lokale Zuordnung, die Lage ist perfekt erhalten.
>> Die Standorte sind 24/7 goffnet.
> Is there any import in Germany or German speaking region ?
> Did not find any [1].
> By the way, the page does not work with firefox on my system and the
> render order of city names needs quite some improvements.
> cu fly
> [1]
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