My opinion as a newbie (potlatch & josm user)...

Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
> There are two big issues with it. One is that for edit sessions lasting
> more than a couple of seconds, there has to be conflict management. If
> you're a JOSM user, then you are de facto a  clued-up, computer-savvy
> type, so conflict management doesn't worry you. But if you are a newbie
> - maybe even a schoolkid - trying just to edit your local area, then
> being presented with "The following conflicts were detected.
> Accept/Resolve/Revert?" will just utterly confuse you, and you'll click
> the wrong thing and cause more errors. Or maybe just close Potlatch and
> never return to OSM.

You need a conflict management even if you edit the database directly. If one 
user change a point/way, and another user
already loaded this section in potlatch and change this point/way different? - 
The last one wins without a warning ...

In josm you have to initialize the "save" prozedure AND it shows you the 
changes bevor saving - potlatch just saves.
Most editors for text, pictures and audio waits for a user action to save, 
that's in peoples mind.

Potlatch helped me to get into this project, too. Many thanks for this "easy to 
use" tool!
But I'm afraid of vandalism. In this short time I spend a lot of time to map... 
The more people know about this project,
the more will make it bad.
So the software (josm too) have to
- minimize (newbie) user input mistaces
- easy repair options against vandalism

You're right, a "save" button is not the last change, but give it a try if this 
button decrease the newbie mistaces ...



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