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On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 18:35, Dr. Franz-Josef Behr <

> Vielleicht gut für unser Projekt:
> Google's neue TOS, insbesondere 11.1:
> http://code.google.com/apis/maps/terms.html


Update to the Google Maps API Terms of Service
Posted by Mickey Kataria, Product Manager

>From time to time we release updates to the terms of service governing
our products. We recently released an updated version of the Google
Maps API Terms of Service. Based on feedback from that update, we are
releasing a revised version today. The Google Maps API TOS is intended
to satisfy several goals: it gives Google the rights needed to operate
a service which overlays content on the map, gives us the ability to
showcase popular mashup sites, and allows us to index and provide
search over Maps API sites so that Google users can find them.

What changed and why? A key goal for the November 12th revision was to
eliminate a number of unpopular restrictions, including the
prohibition on friend finder applications and non-"site" mashups. We
also eliminated ambiguity about whether it's OK to use the API w/
password-protected free sites (it is). Additionally, we streamlined
the format of the terms, eliminating the need for developers to
reference multiple sets of incorporated terms of service, including
the Google Terms of Service and the Google Maps Terms of Service to
figure out what rights and obligations applied to their use of the
Maps API.

That format change appears to have called attention to the "License
>From You to Google" - section 11 in the November 12th update. That
content license has always been part of the Google Maps API Terms of
Service, because it is contained in the Google Terms of Service. Both
the original and the November 12th updated Terms of Service relied on
that provision to ensure Google received a sufficient content license
to provide the Maps API service and to promote the service, including
by highlighting excellent mashups as we did here. That section does
not provide Google a license to all of the content on your Maps API
site to use for any purpose, nor is that how we have treated the
content from existing Maps API sites that were developed under the
terms that existed prior to the November 12th update. Section 11(b),
which we initially included in the November 12th update, created a lot
of confusion among our API developers who are publishing licensed
content. In 11(b) we were trying to be clear that we wanted a broader
license from Maps API developers for use of business listings
information. However, given the confusion that resulted, we removed
that language from today's revision of the terms.

Thank you for using the Google Maps API. We look forward to continuing
to create great products together with you.
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